Varsóvia: Resumo da manifestação anarquista do 1˚ de Maio
Neste 1˚ de Maio, anarquistas e anarcosindicalistas fizeram uma
manifestação na capital polonesa, Varsóvia. Durante a marcha, foi falado
sobre a deterioração da situação da classe trabalhadora, a padronização
dos contratos de merda, o aumento da idade da aposentadoria e o ataque
capitalista sobre os direitos dos trabalhadores conquistados no século
passado. A manifestação crítica se opôs aos sindicatos pelegos, que
constantemente pactam com os patrões e se recusam a convocar greves,
mesmo agora que enfrentamos a pior das situações.
FAU Berlin beendet Konflikt mit Bally Wulff
Wie die FAU Berlin am 9. April
bekannt gab, wurde im März 2012 der Konflikt mit dem
Spielgerätehersteller Bally Wulff durch einen gerichtlichen Vergleich
beendet. Der gekündigte und von der FAU unterstützte Siebdrucker erhielt
von seiner Firma einen Ausgleich. Dieser orientiert sich, aufgrund der
23jährigen Betriebszugehörigkeit, an der üblichen Höhe. Zur Zeit
befindet sich der Gekündigte, bis zu seiner Entlassung im Juni 2012, in
einer Weiterbildungsmaßnahme, um für die Zukunft gewappnet zu sein. Ein
weiterer gekündigter, aber nicht in der FAU organisierter Kollege bekam
ebenfalls ein Angebot vorgelegt.
La lucha horizontal contra la privatización de bibliotecas, archivos y museos.
Hace ya tiempo que las/os
trabajadoras/es de bibliotecas públicas vienen organizándose para
enfrentar la destrucción de un bien social que debería ser gestionado y
pertenecer únicamente al pueblo. Hablamos de la labor formativa y
educativa de las bibliotecas, a través de sus actividades y del préstamo
gratuito de libros. Este servicio, monopolizado en la actualidad por
las administraciones públicas, amenaza con caer en el agujero de la
especulación económica. La amenaza se extiende ahora a archivos y museos
del ayuntamiento. Si en sanidad y educación se precariza hasta la
saciedad, recortando sueldos, equipamientos y calidad, la cultura es un
bien que no dudan en aniquilar para entregar los restos a empresas
privadas que los expriman al máximo y así obtener sus beneficios. ¿A
quién le importa la cultura?, ¡es algo secundario!
Apesar da repressão
policial que se seguiu à decisão do parlamento de criminalizar, em São Paulo,
pichações e colagens de cartazes, militantes da FOSP/COB-ACAT/AIT não se
intimidaram e, de forma criativa, realizaram uma agitação prévia, no início de
Abril, denunciando a precarização e a perda de direitos aos quais os
trabalhadores estão sendo submetidos. Ao mesmo tempo chamou a tradicional
manifestação de 1º de Maio Proletário, Revolucionário e Libertário da FOSP –
que vem sendo realizada regularmente desde 2001 - através de colagens de
Cartazes, Pichações e de panfletagens de filipetas– intensificadas nas últimas
semanas antes do 1º de Maio.
CNT presenta la campaña “señala al culpable”
El sindicato CNT ha
anunciado una serie de movilizaciones para las próximas semanas bajo el
lema “Señala al culpable”. De esta manera, la organización
anarcosindicalista pretende “llevar las protestas de la clase
trabajadora hasta la puerta de cada uno de los responsables de la
situación actual”.
The CNT First of May
CNT will not stay quiet in the light of the offensives against workers'
rights, many of which were won through the union struggle over a
century. The 1 of May is a celebration of this hard struggle, which cost
four lives in 1887 but which raised awareness and international
solidarity which continues until today.
Throughout the Spanish state, the CNT went on the streets to remember the spirit of Chicago of these years and to remember Spain at the beginning of the 20th century, when working only 8 hours a day was a dream (although not too far off), to remember those who perished and those who resisted. The CNT took to the streeks to also gather strength to resist today. From Galicia, where demonstrations were organized in 5 cities, some with other organizations, some only by CNT, to the Canary Islands where days of struggles were called in Tenerife and Gran Canaria, having nothing to do with a walk in the street. From Murcia where a dinner took place after going through the city accompanied by live music to Madrid where, because of its size, there were three demonstrations, one in the north, in the sierra another on the traditional route through the capital and the third in Alcorcón, where the CNT could be seen in the streets under a tide of red and black. We could also mention Toledo, Granada, Bilbao...
Throughout the Spanish state, the CNT went on the streets to remember the spirit of Chicago of these years and to remember Spain at the beginning of the 20th century, when working only 8 hours a day was a dream (although not too far off), to remember those who perished and those who resisted. The CNT took to the streeks to also gather strength to resist today. From Galicia, where demonstrations were organized in 5 cities, some with other organizations, some only by CNT, to the Canary Islands where days of struggles were called in Tenerife and Gran Canaria, having nothing to do with a walk in the street. From Murcia where a dinner took place after going through the city accompanied by live music to Madrid where, because of its size, there were three demonstrations, one in the north, in the sierra another on the traditional route through the capital and the third in Alcorcón, where the CNT could be seen in the streets under a tide of red and black. We could also mention Toledo, Granada, Bilbao...
El 1 de mayo de la CNT
La CNT no se queda quieta ante las ofensivas contra los
derechos de los trabajadores, derechos, muchos de los cuales se
conquistaron a través de la lucha sindical hace casi un siglo. En el 1
de mayo se celebra esa lucha, dura, que costó cuatro vidas en 1887 pero
que desembocó en una conciencia y una solidaridad internacional que
continúa hasta hoy día.
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