Death is a Master from Germany
Fierce antifascist demonstration against NSU terror and secret service's entanglements
Under the headline “Death is a Master from Germany”, there was a demonstration in Hamburg on January, 28. About 5000 people followed the call of a vast alliance of antifascist organisations. Five groups, among them the anarchosyndicalist Freie ArbeiterInnen Union (FAU) Hamburg, published their own call for this event. Here is an after action review.
The call scandalizes the fact, that for 13 years long Nazis from Thuringia were travelling through Germany undisturbed while they robbed banks, laid bombs and murdered innocents. And that the homicides of the terror cell “Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund” (NSU) have only been revealed accidentally after the death of two Nazis in November 2011.
“In this context, the behaviour of the German secret service is shocking and words as “failure” are apparently too weak to describe their behaviour. The agency, as we know now, has been massively entangled in the terror of the NSU”.
Besides the claim for “a dignified commemoration of the Nazi terror's victims, families and friends”, the entanglement of Germany's secret service and other agencies needs to be revealed and: “the final abolishment of Germany”.
Under the headline “Death is a Master from Germany”, there was a demonstration in Hamburg on January, 28. About 5000 people followed the call of a vast alliance of antifascist organisations. Five groups, among them the anarchosyndicalist Freie ArbeiterInnen Union (FAU) Hamburg, published their own call for this event. Here is an after action review.
The call scandalizes the fact, that for 13 years long Nazis from Thuringia were travelling through Germany undisturbed while they robbed banks, laid bombs and murdered innocents. And that the homicides of the terror cell “Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund” (NSU) have only been revealed accidentally after the death of two Nazis in November 2011.
“In this context, the behaviour of the German secret service is shocking and words as “failure” are apparently too weak to describe their behaviour. The agency, as we know now, has been massively entangled in the terror of the NSU”.
Besides the claim for “a dignified commemoration of the Nazi terror's victims, families and friends”, the entanglement of Germany's secret service and other agencies needs to be revealed and: “the final abolishment of Germany”.
Veranstaltungsreihe 2012 der FAU München
Von April bis Juni
führt die FAU München drei Veranstaltungen an jeweils wechselnden Orten
durch. Dabei bildet der Kampf gegen die Lohnarbeit so etwas wie den
Themenschwerpunkt der Vortragsreihe. Damit wollen wir verdeutlichen,
dass die Basisgewerkschaft FAU die einzige Gewerkschaft in Deutschland
ist, die konsequent antikapitalistisch ausgerichtet ist.
Far-right humiliated by mass resistance in Brighton
April, 24. Around 100 assorted members of far-right groups including the
EDL, Infidels, and March For England were vastly outnumbered by up to
1,000 anti-fascists and Brighton residents when they attempted to march
yesterday. The route of the march was repeatedly blocked by crowds, and
police were only able to force a path through with baton-charges,
shields and horses. Despite this, the march was twice forced to divert
from its high-profile route down backstreets, where anti-fascists
assembled barricades and once again blocked the march.
Keeping up the pressure: the fight against workfare continues
In the lead up to the National Conference on Workfare
due to be held in Brighton on 26 May, Brighton SolFed have organised
two weekends of pickets against workfare beneficiary Holland &
Barrett in Brighton and Hove on the 12th and 19th of May.
We intend to make it clear to Holland & Barrett that as long as they continue to use free labour to cut their staff costs their brand is tainted and the pickets will continue to turn away customers from their stores.
We hope that one of the things to emerge from the conference will be a national network and strategy for fighting against workfare. In the meantime we are calling on SolFed locals and other campaign groups to join us in keeping up the pressure on Holland & Barrett and other workfare beneficiaries in the coming weeks.
For more information on the conference or to register see the Brighton Benefits Campaign website.
We intend to make it clear to Holland & Barrett that as long as they continue to use free labour to cut their staff costs their brand is tainted and the pickets will continue to turn away customers from their stores.
We hope that one of the things to emerge from the conference will be a national network and strategy for fighting against workfare. In the meantime we are calling on SolFed locals and other campaign groups to join us in keeping up the pressure on Holland & Barrett and other workfare beneficiaries in the coming weeks.
For more information on the conference or to register see the Brighton Benefits Campaign website.
Crónica Primero de mayo en Guadalajara
Para este Primero de Mayo se había coordinado con otros colectivos
(15M, C.S.Octubre, PAH, SATIF,...) la formación de un bloque crítico
dentro de la manifestación de los sindicatos oficiales. También, se
había propuesto una prolongación del recorrido pasando por lugares
implicados en el conflicto social (sede GEACAM, Universidad por la
subida de tasas, sede de la patronal, algún banco por su protagonismo en
desahucios locales, etc) pero la Subdelegación de Gobierno nos
DESAUTORIZABA a última hora el mismo. Nuevo acto represivo de los
gobernantes al servicio de los dineros que nos reafirman, cada día más,
en nuestras convicciones y nuestra firmeza contra la injusticia social
que genera este podrido sistema.
Galicia sigue ardiendo por interés
El último de los incendios forestales, en As Fragas do Eume, reabre
el debate sobre quien está tras los más de 7.242 incendios anuales que
se producen en territorio gallego.
Sección Sindical Forestal de CNT Vigo / Periódico cnt
Como dicen las malas lenguas, en Galiza existe una "Cultura do lume" (Cultura del fuego) que viene arrasando año tras año miles de hectáreas (ha) de terreno forestal. En el periodo 2001-2010 han ardido un total de 288.469,97 ha, lo que equivaldría a la extensión de la provincia de Áraba y un total de 72.425 incendios, unos 7.242 incendios anuales, mientras que la media estatal se sitúa en torno a los 21.500. Lo que supone que solo en Galiza se producen anualmente un 33,7% de los incendios forestales totales. La intencionalidad de estos comprende el 86,57%, sin contar las negligencias 5,10%, ni las causas desconocidas 7,77% del total de incendios forestales. Existen causas que responden a intereses económicos, sociales y políticos.
Sección Sindical Forestal de CNT Vigo / Periódico cnt
Como dicen las malas lenguas, en Galiza existe una "Cultura do lume" (Cultura del fuego) que viene arrasando año tras año miles de hectáreas (ha) de terreno forestal. En el periodo 2001-2010 han ardido un total de 288.469,97 ha, lo que equivaldría a la extensión de la provincia de Áraba y un total de 72.425 incendios, unos 7.242 incendios anuales, mientras que la media estatal se sitúa en torno a los 21.500. Lo que supone que solo en Galiza se producen anualmente un 33,7% de los incendios forestales totales. La intencionalidad de estos comprende el 86,57%, sin contar las negligencias 5,10%, ni las causas desconocidas 7,77% del total de incendios forestales. Existen causas que responden a intereses económicos, sociales y políticos.
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