jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

15/03/2012, Noticias (A)IT

Deň protestov proti Roche a správa z minulotýdňových akcií

Dňa 5. a 8. marca zorganizoval Zväz poľských syndikalistov (ZSP) akcie pred sídlami Roche v Poľsku a Švajčiarsku s cieľom dosiahnuť znovuzamestnanie svojho prepusteného člena a uplatňovanie zmlúv na trvalý pracovný pomer. Okrem Roche sa vo Švajčiarsku konali akcie aj proti praktikám firmy Adecco a ABB. Do solidárnych aktivít sa zapojila aj PA a rovnako tak urobíme aj 15. marca. Dúfame, že sa zapojíš aj ty.

Protest at Roche Office in Poznan

On March 15, we protested at the Roche office in Poznan, demanding reinstatement of our comrade, the recognition of his employment status and an end to shady non-employment practices which deny workers this status and benefits. The demonstration came in a charged atmosphere as Roche revealed that it actually plans to outsource the work currently being done by fake independent contractors and workers sent by intermediaries.

Ryanair Don't Care: Solidarity in Poznan

Today, as part of the days of action in solidarity with the Ryanair Don't Care campaign, we gave out leaflets in the main square in Poznan. Passersby were quite curious what it was about and a few were quite shocked or disgusted to find out about the recruitment scam in Britain. Several people said to please send their best wishes to the campaign.

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