Creemos que sería positiva una pequeña reflexión acerca de la utilización del término “democracia directa” como equivalente de Anarquía en lo que respecta a la armonización de intereses y medio para la organización de la vida en sociedad. La razón fundamental es que a nosotres nos parece que desde nuestros Grupos tendríamos que evitar en lo posible la utilización de términos tan ambiguos como éste y que sirven para aumentar la confusión y dar lugar a malas interpretaciones. Con frecuencia observamos como es común en ambientes libertarios la utilización de estos términos (democracia directa y organización anarquista) como sinónimos, cosa que a nosotres nos resulta como mínimo poco acertada.
On direct democracy
We believe that a little reflection would be positive about the use of "direct democracy" as the equivalent of anarchy with respect to the harmonization of interests and means of organizing social life. The reason is that it seems to us that since our groups would be avoided if possible the use of such ambiguous terms like this and serve to increase confusion and lead to misinterpretation. Often observed as is common in environments using these libertarian terms (direct democracy and anarchist organization) as synonyms, which to us is at least unwise.
What comes to be called direct democracy would, in our opinion, the individual's participation without intermediaries in decision making, occupying the same, and together the rest of the community, the organization and resolution of the problems that this will arise. So far we can only agree. The problem arises when, advancing what the term implies, "democracy" implies a way of taking and implementing decisions. Democracy is a word of Greek origin formed by two roots such as "demos" (people) and "crater" (power). In this sense, democracy, or power of the people, it is straightforward, it can be applied in the practice of collective decision making, irrespective of any taxation. We believe this is so because any form of power always carries with it the imposition or a minimum of conditions that make this possible. In a society organized under such "direct democracy", who established and who are not part of the "people" who exercise power in the community when there was a divergence of interests that could not be resolved through discussion?, Would then "people" who were the majority?, do they let immediately regarded as "people" to be nothing to those who serve on the minority? Based on our understanding of libertarian federalism, it seems to us that the organization of social life can not fall into the simplistic game of majorities and minorities, but be based on free agreement and free federation between people. That is, away from enforcement and respect the freedom of both those who are in majority and those who are in minority. It is true, put on the case would be difficult to go to such extremes of divergence in interests, but we can not ignore that this is not possible escapes. The question would be what the majority of the assembly could decide not to ever imposed on those who are in the minority, leaving the way open Estes to move into other positions or simply not participate in something they disagree.
It is paradoxical, but for us, why some are called "people power" (democracy) could not be more than the destruction of any form of power, that the destruction of power itself, as the "people" is not an entity unrelated to the people who make it up, but are these people or individuals who have to have the power to decide on what affects their lives together with the rest of the community and it is this freedom of choice based on individuality, which makes it possible for decisions that affect the collective take really free. This principle that would ensure that it termed "the people" as a set of individuals, was free. This, in our opinion, has nothing to do with any kind of power, but with respect and harmonization of wills and interests of individuals who make up the community.
It is also observed in the semantic similarity between "Democracy" and "labor power", as in the post to a hypothetical social revolution which abolished the privileges of the bourgeoisie and their guardians, being then the people living in these workers, "labor power" and "Democracy" would be equivalent terms (if you end the class division, would make little sense to speak of the power of one). We already know what hides behind the "workers' power", which is more than the empty exercise of faith that sustains the deviation from the will of the people the privilege of a new class or ruling class in the manner of bureaucracies Bolsheviks. And we believe that, though that of "direct democracy" surely not deliberately serves the interests of the tyranny of any party or revolutionary vanguard, leaving loopholes itself sufficient to maintain enforcement and hide dictatorships supported by the law of numbers. We do not fight because they are more or less imposing their interests on Otres, we fought against the imposition same in all respects to the collective organization of social life. We can not confuse the free consent of the people under their common interests (and do it or leave it to each one as and when appropriate) with any kind of "people power". We do not need the existence of any power (however the people that is) to ratify what we ourselves decide. And, with such ambiguous terms as "direct democracy", it seems that we're talking more of a religious myth in which to believe and trust because yes, what would be palpable and daily practice of living in society. If we fight against the imposition of the will to join on Otres and be ourselves, and each joins Todes, who decide, what good is to give names that do not respect this really what we mean? We do not fight by the power of anything or anyone, not the "people" or the "working class", nor of them anarchists, but we strive to freely organize our lives. If power is absurd to speak of anarchist ourselves why we use "democracy" (a word that can not be separated ever "Power") to refer to an organized basis anarchist or libertarian principles?
We believe that this is not far from the most accurate way to tell people clearly what anarchism is, and we believe would lead to confusion the use of other, more clear and less subject to interpretation as we it seems wrong. We hope that these reflections open at all times to the discussion (as we can tell you you wrong) serve to clarify our positions a little.
La Anarquía seria una sociedad sin estado, todas las funciones tradicionalmente desempeñadas por el estado son asumidas por el proletariado. El ejército abolido he sustituido por el pueblo en armas, las milicias voluntarias. Los ministerios suprimidos son sustituidos por la federación de los productores, autonomía local de los productores y federalismo. Solidaridad de autodisciplina en lugar de leyes. Policías y magistrados sustituidos por la vigilancia revolucionaria de los trabajadores...
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