Международная акция протеста: Нет увольнениям на "Альстом"!
Межпрофессиональный профсоюз CNT-AIT Саморы (Испания) обратился к секциям Международной ассоциации трудящихся с призывом к солидарности. Секция профсоюза, действующая на фирме «Альстом Уинд Альтамира», сообщает, что работники предприятия находятся в конфликте с компанией в свядимы международные выступления против этой мультинациональной корпорации.
Audio: Vivir en y contra la crisis - Krise und Aufbruch in der spanischen Provinz Galicien
"Das Leben in der und gegen die Krise" - unter diesem Titel fanden in
der vergangenen Woche in verschiedenen Orten Vorträge und Workshops mit
Mitgliedern der CNT Galaica aus Spanien statt. Auf Einladung der
dortigen FAU berichteten in Freiburg von der Generalstreikbewegung und
den großen Protesten am 29. März und dem 14. November letzten Jahres.
Sowohl der Vortrag als auch die Diskussion sind auf der Website von Radio Dreyeckland zu hören.
FAU Berlin: Arbeitskämpfe unter prekären Bedingungen
Am 28. Februar berichtete André, Mitglied des Sekretariats der FAU
Berlin, in Münster über die jüngste Arbeitskämpfe der FAU Berlin, zum
Beispiel beim Biohof “Teltower Rübchen” und dem “Messeshop”. Auch führte
er in die Arbeitsweise und Struktur der FAU Berlin ein. Aus eineinhalb
Stunden Vortrag und Diskussion hat die FAU Münsterland einen etwa
halbstündigen Beitrag zusammengeschnitten, der hier zum Nachhören bereit steht.
Workfare picket hits a nerve in Haringey
London SolFed and Haringey Solidarity Group picketed Homes for Haringey
on Wednesday 10th April. It was our second picket there over the use of
workfare by the council housing provider and a charity Groundwork.
After sacking one third of their gardening staff two years ago, they are
now forcing benefit claimants to do the work for no pay.
The council are clearly ashamed of what they are doing. They were preventing their workers from talking to us. They also released a statement in which they tried to weasel out of their involvement in workfare. They confirmed the scheme existed but claimed it was voluntary and it didn't replace paid work. We've heard that before. The scheme may be officially voluntary but if someone refuses to participate they may be forced on another mandatory scheme as a punishment or sanctioned anyway. We know of at least one worker who was sanctioned for refusing to participate in the Groundwork scheme. It doesn't matter if the work done is above of what the council would normally do on the estates. People should be paid for doing it.
The council are clearly ashamed of what they are doing. They were preventing their workers from talking to us. They also released a statement in which they tried to weasel out of their involvement in workfare. They confirmed the scheme existed but claimed it was voluntary and it didn't replace paid work. We've heard that before. The scheme may be officially voluntary but if someone refuses to participate they may be forced on another mandatory scheme as a punishment or sanctioned anyway. We know of at least one worker who was sanctioned for refusing to participate in the Groundwork scheme. It doesn't matter if the work done is above of what the council would normally do on the estates. People should be paid for doing it.
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