viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012


 -> español   Congress of the International of Anarchist Federations Carrara, August and September, 1968   Libertarian social revolution necessary The organization of economic background, orientation and purpose libertarian and development and development is indispensable to a radical change of the capitalist system and state and also the so-called communist state all imbued with Marxist-Leninist principles. This change necessarily abolish and overcome both and to lay the basic foundations of the new economy and society of socialism, anarchist or anarchist's way to it.   Neither society nor even the communist anarchist libertarian to be performed by magic or a day or synchronously at the global level, at a given stage of universal human history. The social revolution will not be simultaneous in each and every country in the world at once. Nor shall be uniform, based on a single type or pattern, as the geographical, climatic, ethnic, demographic, the industrial development of natural resources, the existence of raw materials, agricultural potential, the environment , mentality and culture, etc.. will influence their design variations, even under the determining influence of the sap and the libertarian orientation, so that, according to the density of this and the specific characters mentioned, displayed, not universally but only incountry itself, the system and its new low profile structures and multi-faceted aspects, multiple and pluralistic, the gleanings of a constant improvement and harmonious balance.  But the essential features of anarchist or anarchist society and ways and means of practical ways to reach it, must speak with tough and clear guidance to turn into reality and open deep groove in it, with a view to the prolific hatches of Free morning, as of today.The purpose of the new economy and society libertariananarchist should be the freedom and welfare of all andeach of the beings that compose it, in half ofsocial equality and human solidarity.   For this purpose it is essential to the disappearance of the State in all forms of dictatorship, though it is called transient, all authoritarian institutions of capitalism, private property, of all the ways and means of exploitation and oppression of man by man, social class, rank, hierarchies and privileges of the employee. Although the social revolution in a country can not go, unfortunately, in its early stages, beyond certain specified conditions which inevitably impose the country's own characteristics and means that the same count at the time it explodes or there is that, at least in the economic, considered globally as the economy is not created or developed in an instant, from the outset, printing their mark fertilizing and filmmaker will strongly defined by anarchists have been concerns translate into reality the maximum substantialityachievements and development libertarians.  And the motto should be: Freedom, bread, clothing, housing, culture and recreation for all. From each according to his means to each according to his needs. We must destroy and sweep all internal barriers, survivals of a past of authoritarianism and exploitation, which are opposed to self-organization of the new society.  And you can not count much on the world revolutionary solidarity to support the social revolution of the country that is, especially if presented with predominant type definitely anarchist. Any help of internationally prevailing blocks tend to satellization.   And there you have moreover that in any profound revolutionary change is a period of economic difficulty, experimental trial and error, setting the right structures to the objectives and goals pursued, which tests the revolutionary current transformer and its value and director and capacityconstructive.  Ensure the existence and functioning free society From the outset it is necessary to ensure the production, supply, increase performance, productivity, untapped producer man without extenuarle, imprison without alienating labor standards. The immediate success of the social revolution and their consolidation and future phases of its progressive development depends on a lot of the training itself social, economic, cultural and ideological workers, what could be called revolutionary and libertarian specific capacity, individually and globally considered. The essential factor of the new order should be the man free and self-conscious. Any economy, discard everything that cansuppose the capitalist system, state or communist state,is consubstantial with anarchism. Our goal is to live in freedom and do everything possible so that all people can enjoy it and benefit on an equal footing, as the earth, nature and the united effort of men can provide each and every one either . Large reception of social anarchism For the same reasons our whole conception of socialism, anarchist socialism is broad and not exhaustive, neither unilateral nor uniform in its possibilities and methods of practical application. And if our preferences go towards libertarian communism as an economic open and improved, not systematically reject, apart from the bourgeois and authoritarian, other forms of social organization, whether mutualist, collectivist, cooperative, etc.., Provided that they exclude any root of exploitation of man by man. The freedom to experiment with economic forms the most just and appropriate to satisfy human needs and assure the maximum freedom man and the greater good, should have an open approach in an anarchist society, trying, of course, to march in common concert with the coexistence of the whole and general system grounded in the federal association of free producers and consumers of solidarity. Freedom to experiment  Experimentation and modalities of such co-existence of socializing, mutual (Proudhon), collectivist (Bakunin-R. Mella), communists (Kropotkin, Malatesta), cooperative (not traded), etc., The local, district, regional or national it may be possible within the libertarian system, preserving the principle essentially anarchic anti-authoritarian, autonomous and fundamentally federalist. And especially if it is understood, of course libertariamente, that human evolution and social forms are not watertight and that any economic structure could be considered definitive and immutable. Always create more freedom, more prosperity, more abundance of all, more perfectly, and the optimum conditions for the full development of individual, social group, the human group, such should be the focus and purpose of an anarchist society, of the social and economic libertarian.   Social and economic libertarians stubs The economy can not develop without a social base. And where there is being or human group, there is the society, just coexistence. The needs are presented, appealed to their demands, even by the simple and natural biological order, and manifesting in the general level, transcending the collective whole, make men look on the duty to seek a management or regulatory principle for at least compatible to human society itself, whether based on contract agreement or consented freely and knowingly accepted voluntarily applied.  In the anarchist view, at least in the base that supports compact organizer for open-libertarian communism is the structural system or mechanism that makes it viable training and development of the society based on anarchist principles interpreted with lucid realism, without mystification the meaning and content of those.  Base of the new society: the free Commune The cornerstone or living cell of the new libertarian social organization, for us, and the individual, group, of the community, the union is the free Commune. The Free Commune, consisting of every single citizen, may have the general function of social coordination in the administrative aspect merely, not of power or political institution, but social service at the local territorial. Their functions must comply with those resolutions and decisions that the assemblies have been made free community consensusmutual. Community organization has banished all authoritarianism and all bureaucracy.  The federations of local, regional and national free communes may become the general plan of a country or geographical area and specific ethnic and international confederation.  The Commune itself must concentrate political power, and less military, it should also disappear at all. Even revolutionary power. All political power is to be abolished and no one should ejercerle. Nor should it be in the economic propietarismo Commune, that makes your geographical and historical terms a closed or a feud. Every Commune must be open to solidarity, practice it and receive it based on the principle that all natural wealth or created or made, any product, equipment or material, is the common heritage and remains available to all, and its usufruct regulated by the free and voluntary collective norms established.  Revolutionary union and its functions The agency in socialist anarchist society can ensure better work organization and function, is the revolutionary syndicalist union property, consisting of free workers in the industry, field, mine, laboratories, centers research and retrieval, the technical specialties. The unions, grouped by classes and industries, local federations, county, regional, national and international and managing directly under hisresponsible control, factories and workshops, fields, mines, marine science and technology institutes are eligible organizations to ensure the production of all articles and things essential to society and its components, according to the needs that are felt and present, pursuing the goal of creating wealth with the contribution of each to the common effort, according to their strengths and abilities and without exploiting anyone or privilege. All material, economic and technical, manufactured goods, agricultural products, livestock, fishing, etc.., Be considered in common and made available through appropriate agencies and more suitable for distribution, the change and more equitable.  Federations of trade unions may be formed by categories of production, whether industrial, rural, etc., Or utilities, postage, communications, transportation and others.  The social revolution, with the disappearance of the bourgeoisie and the capitalist and authoritarian structures, establish a new economic order, which necessarily involve other forms of work, making adjustments, retraining, different specialties of production. The profession or industry unions must not have political power or factory property, machinery or products. The corporatist propietarismo we must not let society take root in the communist anarchist or libertarian. Self-management is to have the base to ensure better and more rational organization of work and the production function, controlled by a high sense of individual responsibility and professional and voluntary conscious. The self-management committees or factory, business, community workshop or production shall be appointed directly by the persons employed therein, be subject to periodic renewal and being revocable. The bureaucracy should be banished from the committees and elsewhere. At the same staff or qualified in specialty, not to conferírsele under any circumstances, control category. We express contrary to admit the principle of all power to the unions, such as grant, management and command, to any technical or specialized, responsible charge of a job, who will consider other workers on an equal footing moral and effective, as men and as producers, cooperating in the work of a joint venture to serve the general good.  Wage or remuneration If we set the anarchists intended to suppress the exploitation of man by man, the abolition of wage-earning classes and logically could not speak out, in a libertarian type of social organization, for the maintenance of a salary or category pay wages for work done. Undoubtedly there are several problems and moral, effective, practical and social being the suppression of wages. And search procedures remuneration for work or specialty units and the same, nor would a libertarian solution and less compatible with a high sense of justice and human solidarity. Based on this reasoning, we demonstrate in favor of the principle of each according to his strength, to each according to their needs, considering that the work of each one gives the right to satisfy their personal needs and procure supplies freely how much do you need and indispensable in warehouses, distribution centers, cooperatives or common. A letter to producer-worker or special letter for handicapped, disabled, elderly or children, can have purchasing power everywhere and be entitled to be the beneficiary of all the common services. The socialization of the same, as well as housing, health, social security, entertainment and recreation, must be regarded as one of the most practical and affordable ways to usufruct individual, family and common. It is essential that every man or woman have secured a place valid, useful employment or placement in the common or collective organization of work as an inalienable and indefeasible recognized and established by an anarchist society, the new social libertarian communist organization.  Distribution and consumption The end of social organization that we defend and advocate, should not the benefit or industrial or commercial advantage, manipulated or monopolized by one group, clan, any entity or body, but the common good, within the Federation or Association of Communes free and supportive. On the other hand, we understand that the forms and economic mechanisms anarchist society must fit into a rigid frame, in a monolithic system and relocatable structures. Respecting the fundamental principle of non-exploitation of man by man, community wealth, property, land, machinery and products, everything has to be made available and individual consumption and use and common. And that freedom, bread, culture and independence within the union and solidarity will be better guaranteed and insured for all. Coordinated the overall distribution and retail of agricultural and manufactured products may be secured by consumer associations or federations, based on supply stores and wholesale supply, where trade unions and communities can provide production and deposit products, and through consumer cooperatives and stores or distribution centers qualified to detail, free from any commercialism. Bodies of revolution Communities The collectives of production, and even mixed production and consumption, especially in agriculture, in rural areas and farmers, can also be a factor importanteentre suitable and effective means of settlement and development of the new economy, as vital organs working on the principle of free cooperation in the new economy of solidarity, without mercantilism orconcurrency. The experience of kolkhozes sovkozes and is demonstrative of the great defects that affect these agencies, especially the state of the first bill, while it is ineffective. The kibbutz, through their known modes and of their own internal operations can not be advocated as a type of economic organization and social libertarian. In this regard, also rule out the formula of the Soviet, whose experience in the USSR and we have seen what she could give. To date, experimental, and practical and effective expression of collectivist-communist living embodiment can offer the kind of libertarian collectives during the Spanish revolution, in a given situation of momentous historical realism, manifested as agencies to ensure efficient economic development of a people, especially linked to unfold in concert with unions and other community agencies, complementary to each other and taking each in its respective field and characteristic defined, needs and economic and social functions inherent in society or community. Social and economic councils Among the useful complementary organizations, by way of advice, information and statistics, technical guidance, to glean the most perfect forms of organization, the coordination of local and general, practical lessons learned from similar experiences of diverse compared production and consumption, operating and exploring the possibilities of economic development and exploitation of new wealth in common, may have the advice of local economy, county and regional, leading to the General Council of federated national economy. These tips economy should have no executive power, but merely consultative and advisory mission. May be formed by delegates appointed by the Commune, unions, communities, cooperatives and consumer centers, technical and cultural agencies.___________________________________________ The end of social organizationdefend and advocate, notshould be the benefit or advantageindustrial or commercial handlingor monopolized by one group, clan,any entity or agency,but the common good_____________________________  The members of these councils, they could even be called social and economic councils shall be appointed by the respective agencies and those delegates, a temporary renewable and revocable. Taking into account the essential needs, materials, production, relacionadoras, cultural and artistic activities, etc., Including social and economic advice that might form is the supply, of housing, apparel, agricultural production, livestock and forestry, in mining, fisheries, transport, communications, graphic arts, print and book, the metallurgical industry and iron and steel, water, electricity, motive power and nuclear, the chemical industry, glass and Bouquetceramics, the timber industry, the construction, that of health, culture, arts and recreation, the science, research and technological developments, deposits, loans and exchanges, foreign, that of import and export, which, through its local branches, community, unions, collectives, cooperatives and independent groups, without any centralized, bottom-up, will intertwine into a counciloverall coordination and solidarity organizations and autonomous bodies without executive powers.  The names of the various councils that we list may differ from those that give us the links to have more or less extent, the boundaries for specialty or branch that varied or synthetic pointed. And will always be taken by mutual concert, among stakeholders, directly, without any commands. Considerations In drawing or sketching these forms or formulas do with the main concern to avoid the influences and reminiscences authoritarian, centralizing tendencies, absorbent and monopolizantes in libertarian anarchist or communist society and the desire to give freedom, autonomy, living content, structural, functional, practical and stimulating further progress and further upward. The social dynamic processing power and creatrix, are founded on the man and woman, of course, his own conscience, as an integral itself, individually and as a standalone unit voluntarily associated with the whole community. If the processing steps and towards the full realization of communism, while the industrial and agricultural development have not reached a sufficient degree, for various reasons, to create a glut and free individual purchase, without grabbing or abuse of all kinds of products, it was not deemed necessary for adjustment of the distribution and consumption within the system of socialization applied, collectivism or communism in its infancy, it should be the most rational and just.  So if you think our view on the desirability or utility of a system of remuneration, to purchasing facilities. We oppose it because we fear that the remuneration, if not equal, and yet fall fatally in injustice, selfishness and arouse rancor and ultimately would resurrect inequalities. The existence of money, and very controversial in sociology libertarian, you should never, to our knowledge. And to establish a single currency, based on bonds or vouchers, nor should it be centralized in an open-bank rate, but issued these bonds, coupons or currency communes, internally and in the general plan, they own purchasing and interchangeable throughout. It prevented the accumulation of monetary unit values, species or products, the accumulation of any kind, by a municipality, a business community or powerful, more important or more prosperous, a more developed region of Likewise to be avoided and combated the centralization and monopoly. If a general economic plan become necessary to establish, will procure the parts or units or contributors whose assistance and resources are required or may be affected, are not sacrificed, and accept it before, because if the general will be imposed and to manifest with the omnipotence of effective power and indisputable, catalysing the risk of oppression or injustice and rebellion inevitably arise as a defensive reaction. Society has to be like a living organism in all cells or groups of them, all organs, perform their function, to ensure life and health, with the difference that social organism within that man feels he and manifests itself autonomously, contributing their ownvitalizarlo and individuality to enrich and intelligence, reason and knowledge, to give consciousness, humanism, harmonious development, creative drive and up. The end of social organization that we defend and advocate, should not the benefit or industrial or commercial advantage, manipulated or monopolized by one group, clan, any entity or body, but the common good. Far from us is the claim, it would be futile, unchangeable guidelines to define even in broad terms, much less in minute detail, the social, ethical and economic anarchism purposely did not use the word political, for the same confusion to which it is paid, as provided by the democracy. The evolution of the history we know that far from following a continuous upward line, the trace rather undulating and full of contradictions, and through them as new forms of social and economic development and self awareness and human ethics are overcome and give way to new forms, structures and awareness of human ethics are overcome and give way to new forms, structures and concepts, which are also ephemeral existence in a perpetual renewal of social life and their However, ongoing creative dynamic of the new, printing its modulation and its footprint to the realities of every age, in every town and in the world. It is the very dialectic of life that creates those germs which give impetus to progress through the brain, consciousness and the will of man and translating into new forms ephemeral.  Aware of this, anarchists, all struggling filmmakers daring progressive and active living keeping the revolutionary spirit, no barriers or limits put on the construction of the morning free, continuous development process and limit ourselves to these notes around the theme The economic organization or in an anarchist society during the revolutionary transition into anarchy, with no pretense and comprehensive contribution to the common thought and content contributions to libertarianism, without any pretense of originality.

-> español

Congress of the International of Anarchist Federations Carrara, August and September, 1968

Libertarian social revolution necessary
The organization of economic background, orientation and purpose libertarian and development and development is indispensable to a radical change of the capitalist system and state and also the so-called communist state all imbued with Marxist-Leninist principles. This change necessarily abolish and overcome both and to lay the basic foundations of the new economy and society of socialism, anarchist or anarchist's way to it.

Neither society nor even the communist anarchist libertarian to be performed by magic or a day or synchronously at the global level, at a given stage of universal human history. The social revolution will not be simultaneous in each and every country in the world at once. Nor shall be uniform, based on a single type or pattern, as the geographical, climatic, ethnic, demographic, the industrial development of natural resources, the existence of raw materials, agricultural potential, the environment , mentality and culture, etc.. will influence their design variations, even under the determining influence of the sap and the libertarian orientation, so that, according to the density of this and the specific characters mentioned, displayed, not universally but only incountry itself, the system and its new low profile structures and multi-faceted aspects, multiple and pluralistic, the gleanings of a constant improvement and harmonious balance.

But the essential features of anarchist or anarchist society and ways and means of practical ways to reach it, must speak with tough and clear guidance to turn into reality and open deep groove in it, with a view to the prolific hatches of Free morning, as of today.The purpose of the new economy and society libertariananarchist should be the freedom and welfare of all andeach of the beings that compose it, in half ofsocial equality and human solidarity.

For this purpose it is essential to the disappearance of the State in all forms of dictatorship, though it is called transient, all authoritarian institutions of capitalism, private property, of all the ways and means of exploitation and oppression of man by man, social class, rank, hierarchies and privileges of the employee.
Although the social revolution in a country can not go, unfortunately, in its early stages, beyond certain specified conditions which inevitably impose the country's own characteristics and means that the same count at the time it explodes or there is that, at least in the economic, considered globally as the economy is not created or developed in an instant, from the outset, printing their mark fertilizing and filmmaker will strongly defined by anarchists have been concerns translate into reality the maximum substantialityachievements and development libertarians.

And the motto should be: Freedom, bread, clothing, housing, culture and recreation for all. From each according to his means to each according to his needs. We must destroy and sweep all internal barriers, survivals of a past of authoritarianism and exploitation, which are opposed to self-organization of the new society.

And you can not count much on the world revolutionary solidarity to support the social revolution of the country that is, especially if presented with predominant type definitely anarchist. Any help of internationally prevailing blocks tend to satellization.

And there you have moreover that in any profound revolutionary change is a period of economic difficulty, experimental trial and error, setting the right structures to the objectives and goals pursued, which tests the revolutionary current transformer and its value and director and capacityconstructive.

Ensure the existence and functioning free society
From the outset it is necessary to ensure the production, supply, increase performance, productivity, untapped producer man without extenuarle, imprison without alienating labor standards.
The immediate success of the social revolution and their consolidation and future phases of its progressive development depends on a lot of the training itself social, economic, cultural and ideological workers, what could be called revolutionary and libertarian specific capacity, individually and globally considered. The essential factor of the new order should be the man free and self-conscious.
Any economy, discard everything that cansuppose the capitalist system, state or communist state,is consubstantial with anarchism.
Our goal is to live in freedom and do everything possible so that all people can enjoy it and benefit on an equal footing, as the earth, nature and the united effort of men can provide each and every one either .
Large reception of social anarchism
For the same reasons our whole conception of socialism, anarchist socialism is broad and not exhaustive, neither unilateral nor uniform in its possibilities and methods of practical application. And if our preferences go towards libertarian communism as an economic open and improved, not systematically reject, apart from the bourgeois and authoritarian, other forms of social organization, whether mutualist, collectivist, cooperative, etc.., Provided that they exclude any root of exploitation of man by man. The freedom to experiment with economic forms the most just and appropriate to satisfy human needs and assure the maximum freedom man and the greater good, should have an open approach in an anarchist society, trying, of course, to march in common concert with the coexistence of the whole and general system grounded in the federal association of free producers and consumers of solidarity.
Freedom to experiment
Experimentation and modalities of such co-existence of socializing, mutual (Proudhon), collectivist (Bakunin-R. Mella), communists (Kropotkin, Malatesta), cooperative (not traded), etc., The local, district, regional or national it may be possible within the libertarian system, preserving the principle essentially anarchic anti-authoritarian, autonomous and fundamentally federalist. And especially if it is understood, of course libertariamente, that human evolution and social forms are not watertight and that any economic structure could be considered definitive and immutable. Always create more freedom, more prosperity, more abundance of all, more perfectly, and the optimum conditions for the full development of individual, social group, the human group, such should be the focus and purpose of an anarchist society, of the social and economic libertarian.

Social and economic libertarians stubs
The economy can not develop without a social base. And where there is being or human group, there is the society, just coexistence. The needs are presented, appealed to their demands, even by the simple and natural biological order, and manifesting in the general level, transcending the collective whole, make men look on the duty to seek a management or regulatory principle for at least compatible to human society itself, whether based on contract agreement or consented freely and knowingly accepted voluntarily applied.

In the anarchist view, at least in the base that supports compact organizer for open-libertarian communism is the structural system or mechanism that makes it viable training and development of the society based on anarchist principles interpreted with lucid realism, without mystification the meaning and content of those.

Base of the new society: the free Commune
The cornerstone or living cell of the new libertarian social organization, for us, and the individual, group, of the community, the union is the free Commune.
The Free Commune, consisting of every single citizen, may have the general function of social coordination in the administrative aspect merely, not of power or political institution, but social service at the local territorial. Their functions must comply with those resolutions and decisions that the assemblies have been made free community consensusmutual. Community organization has banished all authoritarianism and all bureaucracy.
The federations of local, regional and national free communes may become the general plan of a country or geographical area and specific ethnic and international confederation.

The Commune itself must concentrate political power, and less military, it should also disappear at all. Even revolutionary power. All political power is to be abolished and no one should ejercerle. Nor should it be in the economic propietarismo Commune, that makes your geographical and historical terms a closed or a feud. Every Commune must be open to solidarity, practice it and receive it based on the principle that all natural wealth or created or made, any product, equipment or material, is the common heritage and remains available to all, and its usufruct regulated by the free and voluntary collective norms established.

Revolutionary union and its functions
The agency in socialist anarchist society can ensure better work organization and function, is the revolutionary syndicalist union property, consisting of free workers in the industry, field, mine, laboratories, centers research and retrieval, the technical specialties. The unions, grouped by classes and industries, local federations, county, regional, national and international and managing directly under hisresponsible control, factories and workshops, fields, mines, marine science and technology institutes are eligible organizations to ensure the production of all articles and things essential to society and its components, according to the needs that are felt and present, pursuing the goal of creating wealth with the contribution of each to the common effort, according to their strengths and abilities and without exploiting anyone or privilege. All material, economic and technical, manufactured goods, agricultural products, livestock, fishing, etc.., Be considered in common and made available through appropriate agencies and more suitable for distribution, the change and more equitable.

Federations of trade unions may be formed by categories of production, whether industrial, rural, etc., Or utilities, postage, communications, transportation and others.

The social revolution, with the disappearance of the bourgeoisie and the capitalist and authoritarian structures, establish a new economic order, which necessarily involve other forms of work, making adjustments, retraining, different specialties of production.
The profession or industry unions must not have political power or factory property, machinery or products. The corporatist propietarismo we must not let society take root in the communist anarchist or libertarian.
Self-management is to have the base to ensure better and more rational organization of work and the production function, controlled by a high sense of individual responsibility and professional and voluntary conscious.
The self-management committees or factory, business, community workshop or production shall be appointed directly by the persons employed therein, be subject to periodic renewal and being revocable.
The bureaucracy should be banished from the committees and elsewhere. At the same staff or qualified in specialty, not to conferírsele under any circumstances, control category.
We express contrary to admit the principle of all power to the unions, such as grant, management and command, to any technical or specialized, responsible charge of a job, who will consider other workers on an equal footing moral and effective, as men and as producers, cooperating in the work of a joint venture to serve the general good.

Wage or remuneration
If we set the anarchists intended to suppress the exploitation of man by man, the abolition of wage-earning classes and logically could not speak out, in a libertarian type of social organization, for the maintenance of a salary or category pay wages for work done.
Undoubtedly there are several problems and moral, effective, practical and social being the suppression of wages. And search procedures remuneration for work or specialty units and the same, nor would a libertarian solution and less compatible with a high sense of justice and human solidarity.
Based on this reasoning, we demonstrate in favor of the principle of each according to his strength, to each according to their needs, considering that the work of each one gives the right to satisfy their personal needs and procure supplies freely how much do you need and indispensable in warehouses, distribution centers, cooperatives or common.
A letter to producer-worker or special letter for handicapped, disabled, elderly or children, can have purchasing power everywhere and be entitled to be the beneficiary of all the common services. The socialization of the same, as well as housing, health, social security, entertainment and recreation, must be regarded as one of the most practical and affordable ways to usufruct individual, family and common.
It is essential that every man or woman have secured a place valid, useful employment or placement in the common or collective organization of work as an inalienable and indefeasible recognized and established by an anarchist society, the new social libertarian communist organization.

Distribution and consumption
The end of social organization that we defend and advocate, should not the benefit or industrial or commercial advantage, manipulated or monopolized by one group, clan, any entity or body, but the common good, within the Federation or Association of Communes free and supportive.
On the other hand, we understand that the forms and economic mechanisms anarchist society must fit into a rigid frame, in a monolithic system and relocatable structures.
Respecting the fundamental principle of non-exploitation of man by man, community wealth, property, land, machinery and products, everything has to be made available and individual consumption and use and common.
And that freedom, bread, culture and independence within the union and solidarity will be better guaranteed and insured for all.
Coordinated the overall distribution and retail of agricultural and manufactured products may be secured by consumer associations or federations, based on supply stores and wholesale supply, where trade unions and communities can provide production and deposit products, and through consumer cooperatives and stores or distribution centers qualified to detail, free from any commercialism.
Bodies of revolution
The collectives of production, and even mixed production and consumption, especially in agriculture, in rural areas and farmers, can also be a factor importanteentre suitable and effective means of settlement and development of the new economy, as vital organs working on the principle of free cooperation in the new economy of solidarity, without mercantilism orconcurrency.
The experience of kolkhozes sovkozes and is demonstrative of the great defects that affect these agencies, especially the state of the first bill, while it is ineffective.
The kibbutz, through their known modes and of their own internal operations can not be advocated as a type of economic organization and social libertarian. In this regard, also rule out the formula of the Soviet, whose experience in the USSR and we have seen what she could give.
To date, experimental, and practical and effective expression of collectivist-communist living embodiment can offer the kind of libertarian collectives during the Spanish revolution, in a given situation of momentous historical realism, manifested as agencies to ensure efficient economic development of a people, especially linked to unfold in concert with unions and other community agencies, complementary to each other and taking each in its respective field and characteristic defined, needs and economic and social functions inherent in society or community.
Social and economic councils
Among the useful complementary organizations, by way of advice, information and statistics, technical guidance, to glean the most perfect forms of organization, the coordination of local and general, practical lessons learned from similar experiences of diverse compared production and consumption, operating and exploring the possibilities of economic development and exploitation of new wealth in common, may have the advice of local economy, county and regional, leading to the General Council of federated national economy.
These tips economy should have no executive power, but merely consultative and advisory mission. May be formed by delegates appointed by the Commune, unions, communities, cooperatives and consumer centers, technical and cultural agencies.___________________________________________
The end of social organizationdefend and advocate, notshould be the benefit or advantageindustrial or commercial handlingor monopolized by one group, clan,any entity or agency,but the common good_____________________________

The members of these councils, they could even be called social and economic councils shall be appointed by the respective agencies and those delegates, a temporary renewable and revocable.
Taking into account the essential needs, materials, production, relacionadoras, cultural and artistic activities, etc., Including social and economic advice that might form is the supply, of housing, apparel, agricultural production, livestock and forestry, in mining, fisheries, transport, communications, graphic arts, print and book, the metallurgical industry and iron and steel, water, electricity, motive power and nuclear, the chemical industry, glass and Bouquetceramics, the timber industry, the construction, that of health, culture, arts and recreation, the science, research and technological developments, deposits, loans and exchanges, foreign, that of import and export, which, through its local branches, community, unions, collectives, cooperatives and independent groups, without any centralized, bottom-up, will intertwine into a counciloverall coordination and solidarity organizations and autonomous bodies without executive powers.

The names of the various councils that we list may differ from those that give us the links to have more or less extent, the boundaries for specialty or branch that varied or synthetic pointed. And will always be taken by mutual concert, among stakeholders, directly, without any commands.
In drawing or sketching these forms or formulas do with the main concern to avoid the influences and reminiscences authoritarian, centralizing tendencies, absorbent and monopolizantes in libertarian anarchist or communist society and the desire to give freedom, autonomy, living content, structural, functional, practical and stimulating further progress and further upward. The social dynamic processing power and creatrix, are founded on the man and woman, of course, his own conscience, as an integral itself, individually and as a standalone unit voluntarily associated with the whole community.
If the processing steps and towards the full realization of communism, while the industrial and agricultural development have not reached a sufficient degree, for various reasons, to create a glut and free individual purchase, without grabbing or abuse of all kinds of products, it was not deemed necessary for adjustment of the distribution and consumption within the system of socialization applied, collectivism or communism in its infancy, it should be the most rational and just.

So if you think our view on the desirability or utility of a system of remuneration, to purchasing facilities. We oppose it because we fear that the remuneration, if not equal, and yet fall fatally in injustice, selfishness and arouse rancor and ultimately would resurrect inequalities.
The existence of money, and very controversial in sociology libertarian, you should never, to our knowledge. And to establish a single currency, based on bonds or vouchers, nor should it be centralized in an open-bank rate, but issued these bonds, coupons or currency communes, internally and in the general plan, they own purchasing and interchangeable throughout. It prevented the accumulation of monetary unit values, species or products, the accumulation of any kind, by a municipality, a business community or powerful, more important or more prosperous, a more developed region of Likewise to be avoided and combated the centralization and monopoly.
If a general economic plan become necessary to establish, will procure the parts or units or contributors whose assistance and resources are required or may be affected, are not sacrificed, and accept it before, because if the general will be imposed and to manifest with the omnipotence of effective power and indisputable, catalysing the risk of oppression or injustice and rebellion inevitably arise as a defensive reaction. Society has to be like a living organism in all cells or groups of them, all organs, perform their function, to ensure life and health, with the difference that social organism within that man feels he and manifests itself autonomously, contributing their ownvitalizarlo and individuality to enrich and intelligence, reason and knowledge, to give consciousness, humanism, harmonious development, creative drive and up.
The end of social organization that we defend and advocate, should not the benefit or industrial or commercial advantage, manipulated or monopolized by one group, clan, any entity or body, but the common good.
Far from us is the claim, it would be futile, unchangeable guidelines to define even in broad terms, much less in minute detail, the social, ethical and economic anarchism purposely did not use the word political, for the same confusion to which it is paid, as provided by the democracy. The evolution of the history we know that far from following a continuous upward line, the trace rather undulating and full of contradictions, and through them as new forms of social and economic development and self awareness and human ethics are overcome and give way to new forms, structures and awareness of human ethics are overcome and give way to new forms, structures and concepts, which are also ephemeral existence in a perpetual renewal of social life and their However, ongoing creative dynamic of the new, printing its modulation and its footprint to the realities of every age, in every town and in the world. It is the very dialectic of life that creates those germs which give impetus to progress through the brain, consciousness and the will of man and translating into new forms ephemeral.
Aware of this, anarchists, all struggling filmmakers daring progressive and active living keeping the revolutionary spirit, no barriers or limits put on the construction of the morning free, continuous development process and limit ourselves to these notes around the theme The economic organization or in an anarchist society during the revolutionary transition into anarchy, with no pretense and comprehensive contribution to the common thought and content contributions to libertarianism, without any pretense of originality.

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