jueves, 5 de abril de 2012

05/04/2012, Noticias (A)IT

Kapitalizmus, trieda a triedny boj pre (nie úplných) začiatočníkov :)

Nová publikácia Nakladateľstva bod zlomu (NBZ) predstavuje krátky a jednoduchý úvod do témy kapitalizmus a trieda: vysvetľuje, ako prebieha akumulácia kapitálu, čo je pracujúca trieda, a ako bojovať proti kapitalizmu. Ide o preklad textu kolektívu libcom.org. Brožúru si môžeš bezplatne stiahnuť ako PDF alebo RTF. V prípade, že máš záujem o tlačenú verziu alebo rozšírenie väčšieho počtu kusov vo svojom okolí, ozvi sa na nbz(zavináč)priamaakcia(bodka).sk.

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Catford Holland and Barrett picket

As part of the national day of action against workfare and the IWA days of action, SLSF picketed Holland and Barrett along with 20 other SF locals and others around the country.

Communication Workers Union HQ picketed in protest against workfare at Royal Mail

On Monday April 2nd members of London SF, Solent SF and the IWW joined Boycott Workfare activists to picket the headquarters of the Communication Workers Union over their support for workfare.

Report on 31 March workfare pickets in Brighton and Hastings

On Saturday Brighton SolFed held three separate pickets of Holland and Barratt stores in Brighton and in Hastings in response to their continued use of unpaid workfare placements to reduce staff costs. Across the country SolFed locals and other groups took part in a day of action to highlight the use of workfare by high street companies.

The national day of action was called by SolFed to coincide with the International Workers’ Association (of which SolFed is the British section) days of action which included the general strike in Spain called by our Spanish section, the CNT.

Protests in support of ZSP-IWA by ASF

The comrades in Brisbane wrote an open protest letter and in Melbourne they visited Roche offices.

Protest Action in support of ZSP-IWA (Polish Section) by ASF Melbourne

IWA Day of Action in Melbourne, a protest action in solidarity with dismissed ZSP (Polish Section) comrade from ROCHE Polska by ASF Melbourne took place in Victoria Sales Office of Roche Pharmaceuticals.

The manager was confronted and a letter of protest was handed to the manager directly.
Long live the IWA and anarchosyndicalism!

[Regional de Murcia] Concentración del día internacional contra el capitalismo

El pasado día 31 de marzo y con motivo del día internacional contra el capitalismo, los distintos sindicatos de la Regional de Murcia de la CNT se concentraron en la Plaza de Europa de la ciudad de Murcia.
Varias decenas de miembros del sindicato y simpatizantes del mismo, nos concentramos por espacio de unas dos horas en la citada plaza, durante el acto se leyó el manifiesto contra el capitalismo y se proclamaron consignas anticapitalistas.

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